Federally Obligated Airports ?
Federally Obligated Airports
The airport owners of federally obligated airports, as part of their responsibilities, must comply with FAA Airport Grant Assurances. An airport is federally obligated when the airport owner has accepted federal funds to buy land or develop or improve the airport. With the acceptance of federal funds, airports agree to comply with certain grant assurances, some of which relate to tenants and businesses operating on an airport.
What are Grant Assurances?
When airport owners or sponsors, planning agencies, or other organizations accept funds from FAA-administered airport financial assistance programs, they must agree to certain obligations (or assurances). These obligations require the recipients to maintain and operate their facilities safely and efficiently and in accordance with specified conditions. The assurances may be attached to the application or the grant for Federal assistance and become part of the final grant offer or in restrictive covenants to property deeds. The duration of these obligations depends on the type of recipient, the useful life of the facility being developed, and other conditions stipulated in the assurances.
FAA Order 5190.6B – Chapter 10, Reasonable Commercial Minimum Standards (PDF)
FAA AC 150/5190-6 – Exclusive Rights at Federally-Obligated Airports (PDF)